Because we respect each child’s right to privacy, we do not share a child’s photo, name or personal information until you become their sponsor.
Sponsor A Child
You can HELP change a Child’s Life
“Truly I tell you that everything you did for one of the least brothers, you did for me.”
– Matthew 25:40
You can transform a child’s life—today and into their future. With your monthly donation, you will give security in the basic things: shelter, food, clothing, health care. You will give the opportunity for a better future with a strong education. And more, you will join our team of loving adults who God works through to deliver His healing and consoling love.
You Receive
• A welcome packet with your sponsored child’s photo and information about their life at Hogar Nazareth
• Letters from your sponsored child that help create a deep, lasting relationship
• At least one new photo of your sponsored child every year
• Hogar Nazareth’s monthly newsletter
• The chance to build a lasting relationship with a child as they grow
• The satisfaction of investing in a child for their long-term development
The Child Receive
• A secure, stable and loving family environment at Hogar Nazareth where all their basic needs are met
• A good education and pre-vocational training
• Access to professional healthcare to keep them healthy and strong
• The comfort and joy of knowing that you care about their well-being
• Letters from you expressing encouragement, love and support
When You Sponsor a Child
Sponsorship Level and Monthly Donation Amount:
Key Sponsor
Champion Sponsor
Child Sponsoring Levels
For all sponsorship levels shown below, multiple sponsors are required for each child in order to cover all the costs for basic needs. Choosing a higher sponsorship level will result in fewer sponsors being needed for each child. You will be able to choose a sponsorship level on the enrollment form below. Any amount that you can give is greatly appreciated and will make a meaningful difference in the life of a child.

Frequently asked questions about Child Sponsorships
For more questions about sponsorship please fill out this form:
To begin sponsoring please fill out this form:
Yes, I want to sponsor a child
We fully respect each child's right to privacy. Therefore, we do not share a child's photo, name or personal information until you become their sponsor.