With permission to leave from her congregation and with the desire to help the girls, she went in search of them, found them, and brought them to her local parish where she was supported in her new mission. Within only 3 months Carmen had a new name “mami Carmen” and was caring for 17 children. Thus started a home for vulnerable children which she called Hogar(Home) Jesús de Nazareth, later legally organized as an NGO for its operation under the name of the "Asociación Hogar Nazareth", located in the city of Comayagua.

Our Story
On July 25, 1988, in the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, the young Carmen Licet was in religious formation. That day a woman came, requesting protection for two young girls in need of shelter and protection: María Elena (8 years old) and Alba Luz (10 years old); her mother before she died, asked her to find a safe and stable home for her daughters.
Because the charism of the Franciscan sisters is evangelization and prayer, the Sisters could not help the girls. When the young Carmen saw the girls' faces full of sadness, she said to the lady: "Give me your address, I will be praying for them to find protection" and she saw them to the door . She went to the chapel to pray and in this moment of prayer she felt a stronger call from God through the scriptures.

Oh, come to the water all you who are thirsty; though you have no money, come! Buy and eat; come, buy wine and milk without money, free!
Isaiah 55:1